Raum; A Force From The Sun
By James Donahue
S. L. MacGregor Mathers, who collected information on all 72 Goetia Spirits, wrote that Raum appears as a crow, but when commanded, can change his shape to look like a man.
Seagate suggests that Raum "has the power to cause the earth to quake and to make fall the walls of cities. He can make all but the summoner's sworn enemies love him and be willing to lay down their lives in the service of the summoner."
The very name of this spirit, Raum, and the implication that he seems to live or at least park his ships in or near the sun, suggest that he might have been the source of the ancient Egyptian Sun God Ra.
That Raum has the ability to make people love the magician who evokes him, would it have been the practice of the Egyptian Pharaohs to use this particular entity to gain personal favor and power over their people?
While there is strong evidence to support a theory that the Goetia Spirit Amon also was the subject of Egyptian worship under the name Amun-Ra, could it be that these two spirits were both involved in the Egyptian world? After all, the Egyptians recognized more than one god, and solar worship was an important part of religious life.
Remember too, that Egyptian art depicts Ra as a man with the head of a bird. We have always identified that bird as a hawk. The more contemporary magicians, who see the bird head, see it as a crow.
Johann Wier in Pseudomonarchia Daemonum wrote that “Raum is a great earle. He is (seen) as a crow but when he putteth on human shape, at the commandment of the exorcist, he stealeth wonderfuly out of the king’s house. . . He destroys cities and hath great despite unto dignities.”
Wier also said Raum “was of the order of thrones” and he governs 30 legions of demons. He is number 40 in the Goetia List of demons.